We’ve planned an afternoon full of fun and insights, as you can see in our programme below:
13:30 – 14:00 Welcome and drinks
14:00 – 14:30 Landing presentation – Rob van de Ven: “10 years of Landing & what comes next”.
14:30 – 15:00 Presentation Glasaal – Rick Leemans: “Achieving the impossible: about closing the life cycle of the European eel”.
Twelve years ago, Glasaal Volendam started as a locally funded start-up. The mission: to provide eel farms a sustainable alternative to wild-caught glass eel. The technique: unknown. Today, Glasaal Volendam is the best performing eel hatchery of Europe, and very close to reaching the epic milestone of producing the first European glass eel in captivity.
15:00 – 15:30 Presentation SEAentia – João Rito: “Raising two aquaculture startups together: a collaboration (friendship) success case!”
SEAentia is a Portuguese aquaculture startup, which aims to produce top-quality seafood in the most sustainable way by combining novel aquaculture engineering with scientific research. SEAentia is pioneering corvina (meagre – Argyrosomus regius) production from hatchery to commercial size in a sustainable and environmentally friendly Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) where animal welfare is a major concern as well as environmental protection, traceability, and biosecurity.
After the presentation, we are offering the opportunity to check out our laboratory and see two of our systems running: the Proof of Concept and the MicroRAS. Which we will proudly present during our Open Day.
We close the day with drinks and a small fun quiz.
Still didn’t register? Or you’ve got a friend or colleague willing to tag along? Sure! Just make sure everyone fills in the RSVP form below before November 8th.